Saturday, December 17, 2011

Coffee has many health benefits.

Coffee has many health benefits.
Scientific study has shown that coffee has many health benefits of resistance

Suicide and cirrhosis of the liver and some types of cancer, asthma and diseases

Heart and Parkinson's.

The study by the Institute for Studies in the coffee

U.S. Vanderbilt University to form a surprise to most people

Who recognize the harmful effects of coffee in the cause of

Insomnia at night or during the day or tension in raising blood pressure.

Dr Peter Martin, director of the institute that most of the research for

The last twenty years focused on caffeine, which

Active central nervous system, which has long been used

Diluted in the pharmaceutical industry for the pain and the reduction of appetite

Excessive sleepiness, and resistance to colds and asthma.

Martin adds that the study by the Institute showed

That coffee a rich source of antioxidants, which

Reduce the effects of harmful substances on the body and works to

Prevention of certain diseases.

This shows that when the interaction of oxygen with the chemical 

In the body consists of so-called stray molecules that attack

The body's cells and tissues indiscriminately. It is likely

That these particles cause heart disease and vascular

The researchers say in the Scientific Center for Research on coffee

Take from him that the British-based anti-oxidants

Eliminate stray particles referred to above

Institute for the Study of coffee in the United States have shown that anti-

Antioxidants found in coffee than those located

In the tea four times